Author Archive for Community Word Staff

The Fair Tax Act

by Irving B. Welchons III, Charlotte, NC It is time to file my Federal Income Tax return. That means hours spent gathering information and working with tax software or a preparation service to guide me through the maze of regulations…

Let Us Pray

by Ed. Klein, Peoria, IL We keep hearing people say that ever since prayer was taken out of the public schools the country has gone to hell in a hand-basket … and that most of our contemporary ills are a…

Happenings for April

thru April 11 – Conklin’s Barn II Dinner Theatre will present “Unnecessary Farce” – recurring weekly on Thursday. Doors open at 6:00 p.m.; Buffet is 6:30 – 7:30 p.m. The show is at 8:00 p.m. Admission is $33 ($35 for…

Newsbriefs for April

“FORE THE FUN OF IT” at PEORIA RIVERFRONT MUSEUM Tickets are now available for the Peoria Riverfront Museum’s “FORE the Fun of It,” an evening of miniature golf, unlimited culinary delights and drinks, plus live music. This fundraiser will take…

Happenings for March

March 2 – JEMS Girls Travel Basketball Program will be host basketball tryouts on at the Woodruff Career & Technical Center (Old Woodruff High School) from 8:30 – 11:30a.m. for our travel basketball teams. This is open to girls grades…