Author Archive for Community Word Staff

Guest editorials

Is ALEC Smart – or NOT? by Ed Klein, Peoria, IL How many of you have heard of the American Legislative Exchange Council, or ALEC? Not very many, I’m sure. It is a secretive tax-exempt organization with, as its brochure points out,…

Community Corner

Editor’s Note: The Community Word offers this column to various agencies and governmental organizations in an effort to inform the public just what it is that they do for our Peoria-area community. This month we are proud to present two contributions!] THE…

Shop Talk

By Greg Speck Do we even think about “wellness?” Should “wellness” mean using prescribed pharmaceutical drugs as main stay actions when other remedies might be available? Jeanne Garrett became involved in “wellness” when a family member developed strange physical and…


Girl Scouts of Central Illinois Celebrates 100th Anniversary of Girl Scout Movement Juliette Gordon Lows assembled the Girl Scout meeting with 18 girls from Savannah, Georgia on March 12, 1912. Since then, Girl Scouting has grown into the world’s preeminent leadership development organization for girls,…

What Was That Again?

by Dolores M. Klein, Peoria, IL Remember when candidate John F. Kennedy, back in the 60’s felt it important to reassure groups of ministers that his being a practicing Catholic would not influence his decisions should be become President? In…