The 19th Jamboree Run kicks off 7 a.m. June 4 in West Peoria. Jamie and April Silver are co-chairing the run. Other activities that day are the Boy Scout Carnival 3 to 7 p.m. All Jamboree activities take place…

Black Lives Matter If you don’t know or understand different people or cultures, does that lead you to be afraid of them? Are you justified being afraid of them? While it may be natural to be afraid of people who…

During the past several articles, we have looked at the rich history of Peoria Heights. For this month’s article, we will be looking at history made through an organization we don’t often see as historic and with a group we…

I am pleased to report the “Invalid” is ambulatory in Canton thanks to the efforts of the Many Lights Theatre, a small group whose mission statement in part reads: “Many Lights will produce plays that make a difference to the…

Arts Beat

MUSIC June 3: Cousin Eddie “Live at the Five Spot.” 5:30 p.m. Contemporary Art Center. 674-6822. June 3: Skyla Burrell. 8 p.m. Rhythm Kitchen Music Café. 676-9668. June 4: “Carmina Burana.” Heartland Festival Orchestra and the Peoria Area Civic Chorale.…

More Than a Pretty Picture Behind the beauty of artwork is a world of innovation and complex problem solving. Fiber artists know which type of fiber can be shaped into their creation, photographers understand the properties of light, glass artists…

Labor Roundup

CLUW urges local unions to mentor for women in the workplace. Mentoring is a recognized tool for career and union development, particularly for women, and “mentoring circles” – a group of peers (6–10 people) led by a facilitator – offer…

Will Weight Loss Make You Healthy? Most people know there is an obesity epidemic in the United States. One-third of American adults are obese and another one-third are overweight. If you have extra weight and develop a medical problem like…

Power in a small package

UPS driver Carol Steffen for decades has cultivated her downtown and Main Street customers like the rhubarb she’s grown in her garden: perennial favorites. Chatting on a rainy day between deliveries at Campustown, she adjusts her glasses, fidgets with an…

GateHouse Score Card: Zero for newsroom; millions for CEO

Last month, Community Word wrote about negotiations between GateHouse Media (New Media) and the Springfield State Journal-Register United Media Guild representing newsroom employees. Since that article ran, GateHouse released its 2015 annual proxy statement listing CEO Kirk Davis receiving a…

Coming: Almost organic

This label may start appearing in grocery stores soon to indicate food was grown on farmland transitioning from chemical to organic. Clarkson Grain, located about two hours southeast of Peoria, is using this ECOCERT label until the U.S. Department of…

  RUMOR CONTROL There’s been a rumor circulating in local nursing circles that Methodist Medical Center, that is Unity Point, is mandating that all nurses have or seek to have a Bachelor of Science Nursing (BSN) degree. Not so says…

It’s past time for political prioritization. At a time when the state of Illinois has been unable or unwilling to meet its financial obligations to social-service providers because of the lack of a state budget for 10 months, the state…

Follow the money behind gun violence

Why is anyone opposed to common-sense gun control laws like waiting periods and background checks? The reason is purely financial, suggests a new documentary “Making a Killing: Guns, Greed and the NRA.” The film will be shown at 5:30 p.m.…


10 corporations own 94 percent of global seed market The Illinois General Assembly has the opportunity to stand up for the seeds this spring. SB3130, sponsored by Sen. Sam McCann and co-sponsored by Sen. Dave Koehler, would exempt noncommercial interpersonal…