Proctor’s Annual Holiday Bazaar is Oct. 8

Don’t miss the Proctor Hospital Service Auxiliary’s annual Holiday Bazaar, Friday, October 8 in the Lobby at the Hospital, (5409 N. Knoxville). The Sale will be open from 9:00 a.m.-2:00 p.m. A variety of seasonal one-of-a-kind handmade items such as…

Homespun Patriotism

Patriotism swells in the hearts of Clare and Glenn Waibel, but it’s not a patriotism born of mere sentimentality. It’s a belief, a conviction that motivates them to share their principles with others. They do so with great enthusiasm, attention…

For Quinn & Brady Every Issue a Sticky Point

From capital punishment to education funding, gubernatorial candidates are running fast and hard with little agreement on the issues. Here we go  . . . Newspapers and televised ads are once again replete with mudslinging and pointed remarks on candidates’…

Freedom and Tolerance

September was the month in 1789 when the nation’s first Congress proposed to state legislatures the Bill of Rights, including the First Amendment, guaranteeing freedom of religion. September also marks the end of Islam’s holy month of Ramadan, which on…

Peoria hospital for sale?

EXCLUSIVE For writing a column in a monthly newspaper I’m proud of the scoops I’ve had over the years. This column was the first to predict a federal judgeship for Judge Jim Shadid and the first to forecast that Chillicothe’s…

We Were Promised an IMAX Theatre!

by Merle Widmer, Peoria County Board Member Peoria Mayor Jim Ardis was recently quoted in the Journal Star: “I think a number of people in the community as well as myself, were under the impression there would be an IMAX…

Birth Pangs

There’s no way we can keep living like the last book of the Bible is fiction. It isn’t. It is now our daily news. If you’ve ever stepped into a church, been to Sunday School or cracked open a Bible,…


Home videos document dates of visits to Wildlife Prairie Park as far back as 1984. Our three children were 10, 9, and 7 then and we frequented the park. I could possibly verify the specific year we joined although some…

West Peoria News for September 2010

The West Peoria Neighborhood Watch will meet on Wednesday, September 8th at 6:30 p.m. at the City Hall. Guests for the evening will be members of the SWAT Team from the Peoria County Sheriff’s Department. Deputy Middlemas will give an…

Proctor Hospital September Activities

Free Medicare Help Desk in September – Proctor Hospital, in association with BlueCross BlueShield of Illinois’ Services in the Neighborhood program, offers a free Medicare Help Desk the fourth Wednesday of every month, from 9:00 – 11:00 a.m., in the…