If it only means saving embryos and fetuses then we need to have a talk; a real, no holds, honest to God, talk. Reducing the number of abortions is simpler if you are really ready to be Pro-Life. But here’s…
Editorial Page
Letter to the Editor | My abortion story
by contributor • • 1 Comment
Growing up in Peoria in the 1970s, nearly every Black girl I knew at Manual was pregnant. Somehow the White girls in my college track courses were not; well that is another story. My high school counselor offered to give…
Letter to the Editor | Don’t boycott Alabama because of legislators’ misogyny
by contributor • • 0 Comments
In response to this question: How am I supposed to encourage people to see the lynching memorial/museum and boycott Alabama at the same time? People should not boycott Alabama. Boycotting will only hurt people here who are already hurting. The…
OpEd | Clean energy can’t wait
by contributor • • 0 Comments
BY JOYCE BLUMENSHINE The Clean Energy Jobs Act needs your support. This state legislation will likely come back to the Illinois House and Senate this fall and is essential for efforts to expand solar and wind energy and new jobs.…
Editorial | Rabbi calls for justice for Palestine
by Clare Howard • • 0 Comments
Op-Ed | Right to harm plays well in Peoria
by contributor • • 0 Comments
BY KAREN HUDSON Illinois Citizens for Clean Air & Water recently hosted the Midwest premiere of “Right to Harm” at the Peoria Riverfront Museum Giant Screen Theater. The film reveals the multiple externalities created by concentrated animal feeding operations or…
Editorial | Trump: “I guess” mass shooting in a mosque is serious problem
by Clare Howard • • 0 Comments
OpEd | Reflections on Dwight: The logic of the savior
by contributor • • 0 Comments
BY ZACHARY GITTRICH On March 11, the Board of Trustees for the Village of Dwight voted 5-2 in favor of the construction of a privately-run, for-profit immigrant prison operated by Immigration Centers of America (ICA). While over 90 percent of…
OpEd | School solutions need teacher input, not just top-down directives
by contributor • • 0 Comments
BY SHARON L. CREWS Companies marketing their computer programs have targeted public schools with Title I money to spend. These companies were encouraged by the enthusiasm for change spawned by the “No Child Left Behind” program that promised miraculous educational…