A vital piece of federal legislation, the permanent reauthorization of the Land and Water Conservation Fund, awaits final Congressional approval before legislators adjourn in December. It would authorize the full, permanent, dedicated funding of America’s most important conservation and recreation…
Editorial Page
Letter to the Editor | Take a second look at Kavanaugh
by contributor • • 0 Comments
The current administration is establishing itself in history for using the power of the executive branch to reverse progress made over the past 50 years toward implementing the values of equality and wisdom. Instead, we see threats to better U.S.…
Op-Ed | Blackmail by plea bargain
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BY ELIIDA LAKOTA Chase Iron Eyes is a member of the Standing Rock Nation in North Dakota. He is an attorney, an Indian activist and a member of the Lakota People’s Law Project. He was a Democratic candidate who ran…
Editorial | Bright Future for Hotel Pere Marquette/Peoria
by Clare Howard • • 0 Comments
Letter to the Editor | Senior Republicans should be speaking out
by contributor • • 0 Comments
Issues that should disturb us include Russian interference in our sacred elections, Putin’s admission of support for Trump as President and the Russian spy Maria Butina’s work with the NRA. I long for presidents who governed our foreign policies when…
Letter to the Editor | Supreme Court tilts from justice
by contributor • • 0 Comments
The Senate’s recent confirmation of Judge Brett Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court likely means curtains for reproductive rights, environmental protection, union membership, voting rights, public education, medical coverage, even LGBTQ rights, as cases involving these issues work their way through…
Op-Ed | Vote As If Our Country Is Depending On You
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BY DALE GOODNER Margaret Chase Smith probably never expected that her “Declaration of Conscience” would become listed as No. 41 in American Rhetoric’s Top 100 Speeches of the 20th century. The Republican Senator from Maine delivered that speech on June…
Editorial | American Fascism?
by Clare Howard • • 0 Comments
Letter to the Editor | School safety in our time
by Community Word Staff • • 0 Comments
“Run. Hide. Fight.” That’s what potential victims of mass shootings in schools are learning now, according to Peoria County’s Regional Schools Superintendent Beth Crider. She spoke to a recent Greater Peoria League of Women Voters meeting on school safety. Though…
Letter to the Editor | Not a mandate; loyal opposition necessary
by contributor • • 0 Comments
A recent comical farce written by a former CEO of a business located in Morton was published in the editorial section of the Journal Star. It was nothing but gibberish. The writer began by implying that elections had consequences. Since…