Soul Cleaning

It’s spring! Get ready for deep cleaning! April’s “28-Day Challenge” is focused on taking serious action with the junk that we have allowed to stay in the closets of our mind and heart. This particular challenge was inspired by my…

There are no guarantees for tormorrow

Years ago I bought the two plastic bowls with the wooden holder at a craft sale. Our dog, Gucci, was no sophisticated breed so fancy feeding dishes would have seemed out of place.  These were in keeping with her pedigree.…

West Peoria news for April 2010

Waste Management continues to be the trash service provider for West Peoria. The City of West Peoria has not changed its trash service provider. Every resident must sign up for this service and then be billed by Waste Management. Landscape…

Musings for April

Today, Saturday, March 27, looks like another beautiful, sunny day. It’s amazing how a few sunny days can make us feel better, help us forget the long, snowy winter, and put a new perspective on our life. Anything seems possible…

I Wish There Were No Nights

It didn’t take long after high school for Billy Joe Klagmire to discover that work of any kind ‘sorta’ gets in a person’s way of living. Even as a child he despised work with a passion and would always digress…

Forest Park Nature Center Activities

Bird Walk at FPNC on April 10th at 7:30 a.m. – Search for spring migrants and resident birds of Forest Park with a guide from the Nature Center or Peoria Audubon. Bring your binoculars. Ages 10 and up. Donations requested.…

Three Sisters Folk Art School April Classes

This 2010 Spring Session Classes will be held in the Three Sisters Park Pavilion in Chillicothe. The ten classes of American Folk Arts are: Pictures from the Loom: Beginning Tapestry Weaving, Copper Jewelry Making, Slab, Coil & Pinch! Pottery, Let’s…

11th Annual Spirit of Living Dinner is April 30

Peoria’s Cancer Center for Healthy Living (CCHL) is excited to announce its eleventh annual “Spirit of Living Dinner” is scheduled for Friday, April 30th at the Packard Plaza. The dinner will celebrate those who are an inspiration to cancer survivors…

The Great American Cleanup on April 17th

Keep Peoria Beautiful once again is sponsoring the Great American Cleanup on Saturday, April 17th from 9:00 a.m. – noon. Keep Peoria Beautiful will supply trash bags, yard waste bags, painter’s caps, and gloves to volunteers on a first come…

Long fight for U.S. Senate seat begins

Take one Senate Chamber filled with Washington Democrats eager to hold onto their majority. Add a handful of unabashed Republicans gunning for the political forefront. Now sprinkle in a passel of voters whose brush with economic recession has left many…

The gift of life

Shortly after married in 1968, Jack started carrying his wife up flights of stairs. It wasn’t a romantic gesture, but certainly a labor of love. A heart condition diagnosed after their wedding made stair climbing very difficult if not impossible…

District 150 needs business, board to clean house

As Peorians anticipate School District 150 interim superintendent Norm Durflinger’s formal recommendation to the board on changes in staffing, the thought of other changes comes to mind. If administrations in business, government or any human institution sometimes deflect criticism by…